Hello, my initials are SM and I had a Brain Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM - a type of brain injury) in March 2013 and these are my experiences.

Silently looking on at the outrageous, sad, shocking, happy, funny, amazing and grateful moments. Silently, because it took me a long time to get my voice and thoughts back, and then together. I still have moments of slip-ups, but the experiences never stopped.

This is my journey and hopefully I can make someone else’s journey less wild and bumpy.

I went from a fiercely independent woman, to a much humbled and slower-paced dependent. I sometimes have ‘feisty moments’ where I would remember who I was and what I could do, get mad and frustrated…then I would calm down, have a laugh and drink a cup of tea.

Welcome to my ride…

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My experiences when a previously unknown Brain AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) suddenly ruptured, led to an emergency Craniotomy and then followed by a different way of living. A grateful survivor in that 1%.


My Experiences after I had a Brain Injury.